Tuesday, March 11, 2008

moving blog

please note that the blog is moving . . .

bookmark and visit www.themonthlynugget.com  . . . there on the menu, you can check out the new blog and sign up for the  RSS feed.

thanks, see over at the nugget site.


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Connecting With People

As I type this entry, I sit in East Lansing, Michigan.  Snow is covering the ground and cold is filling the air.  I am not a fan of the cold, but I'm actually enjoying it - I do "sock-hats" well, right?  I'm in the Cappuccino Cafe sipping on a brilliantly made cup of Joe . . . man life is great.

Last night I had the privilege of speaking to a group of people about THIRTYONEANOTHERS.  My friend, Rich, pastors an inspiring group of people up here and he invited me to come up and introduce the principle of my book.  As I spoke of love ( the central concept of the book ), I was reminded of the mysterious beauty that is found in meeting new people, connecting with them, and engaging them as they engage me.

I left them with the challenge of "loving with no regret."  I'll close this short post and leave you with the same challenge, live your life every single day with no regret . . . live with no regret, speak with no regret, and love with no regret.  I think you'll be amazed at the number of people you'll influence.

Connecting with people, loving with no regret.  Wow, what a lofty, yet attainable goal.

Friday, February 8, 2008

How To Have A Good Day

Cartoon character "Dilbert" once gave priceless wisdom to all in reference to having a good day.  He said, "Eat one live toad the first thing in the morning, and chances are, nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."

How great is that?!  Want to know your day will almost certainly wax better?  Eat a frog for breakfast.

- Have A Good Day!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The February Nugget

The February edition of The Monthly Nugget is now up on the site.  Visit www.TheMonthlyNugget.com to check it out.

I'll write a new blog post this week.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Noise and Music

This year I want to do something that I’ve ever been able to do.

We all have the resolution bug, right? This time of the year is just filled with people making new lists of do’s and don’ts, cans and can’ts, and wills and will nots. I suppose that I’m no different. I’ve had my contemplative moments over the last few weeks where I’ve pondered upon my actions and inactions of 2007 and wondered how I could transform them into efficient productivity in 2008. And what I’ve (personally) come up with is a statement more than a list; a mindset more than a list of resolutions. Perhaps its a lofty intention, yet it’s completely a reachable reality.

In 2008, I vow to learn to distinguish between the noise and the music...

Read the rest at www.themonthlynugget.com

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


As the New Year quickly approaches, I, along with untold masses, begin to think of the changes and corrections I want to make in my personal and spiritual life in '08. One doesn't read anything written by anyone great, or hear anything said by anyone with an influential voice without soon coming across the importance of discipline. Discipline in prayer, writing, exercise, dieting, and investing - everything worth anything is a process, and all good processes are built on consistent discipline.

Lots of people can be different for a day or two, but I want to be just a little different every single day of my life. A little different from the average . . . every single day of my life.

So what is it that you need to place more focus on in 2008? What areas of life need to be sharpened in order for you to become the person God created you to be?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Have you have you ever had one of those days when you just feel overwhelmed? Not the negative type of "overwhelmed" most think of, but the good kind of "overwhelmed?"

I'm having one of those days today. I feel overwhelmed with blessings. I'm not sick, my bank account is not in the red, my children are (somewhat) normal, my wife still loves me (as far as I know), there is some food in our pantry, my car is working, I have shoes on, I have a job, I have friends, and I have God.

I haven't won the lottery recently. I haven't done anything extraordinary, at least recently :), I'm just way blessed and sometimes I don't express that fact enough.

No matter what state of existence you are in today, if you look around you, you'll quickly find out how blessed you are.

I know - it's such a simple thought. It's also simple to acknowledge our blessings.

Be blessed today, and realize it.